Moreover, excessive earwax is one of the reasons your ear might ache. It can lead to discomfort and potential complications, making earwax removal essential. Let’s discuss 10 common causes of ear pain, and find out the best treatment option available.
What are Earache Symptoms and Treatments?
Earache symptoms can differ in how much they hurt and how they show up. They include different kinds of discomfort that both grown-ups and children can feel.
Earache Symptoms
- Ear pain
- Impaired hearing
- Fluid drainage from the ear
Additional symptoms in children may also show-up as-
- Muffled hearing or difficulty responding to sounds
- Fever
- Sense of fullness in the ear
- Difficulty sleeping
- Tugging or pulling at the ear
- Crying or acting irritable more than usual
- Headache
- Loss of appetite
- Loss of balance
Treatment of Earache
Treating earaches depends on what’s causing them and the treatment options include-
- If due to an infection, oral antibiotics or eardrops are prescribed. Finish the entire prescription even if symptoms improve.
- Wax-softening eardrops may be given to remove wax build-up.
- Ear lavage or suction device may be used for wax removal.
- Direct treatment for underlying causes like TMJ (temporomandibular joint dysfunction) or sinus infections.
10 Common Causes of Ear Pain
Ear pain can be caused by a variety of reasons. Here are 10 common ones-
- Common Cold
Viral infections like the common cold often lead to ear discomfort due to congestion and inflammation. The Eustachian tubes, responsible for equalising pressure in the middle ear, can become blocked or swollen during a cold, causing pain and a feeling of fullness in the ears.
- Sinus Infection
Inflammation from sinus infections can affect the ears, leading to pressure and pain. When sinuses become inflamed and congested, it can extend to the ear canals, causing discomfort around the temples and behind the ears.
- Allergies
Allergic reactions trigger inflammation and fluid build-up in the ears, resulting in ear pressure and discomfort. Itchy ears, sneezing, and congestion are common symptoms of allergic reactions that can impact the ears.
- Ear Infection
Bacterial or viral infections of the ear canal can cause intense ear pain, along with symptoms like drainage, fever, and impaired hearing. Infections can affect the outer, middle, or inner ear, leading to varying degrees of discomfort and potential complications if left untreated.
- Ruptured Eardrum
Trauma, infections, or sudden changes in air pressure can lead to the rupture of the eardrum, causing sharp pain and sometimes hearing loss. Activities like diving, flying, or exposure to loud noises can increase the risk of eardrum rupture, which requires medical attention for proper healing.
- Wax Build-up
Excessive wax accumulation in the ear canal can block sound waves, causing discomfort, impaired hearing, and a feeling of fullness or pressure in the ear. Wax build-up is a common cause of ear pain and can become worse by improper cleaning methods or the use of cotton swabs.
- Air Pressure Changes
Rapid changes in air pressure, such as during air travel or scuba diving, can cause discomfort in the ears due to unequal pressure between the middle ear and the environment. The Eustachian tubes may struggle to equalise pressure, leading to pain, popping sensations, or temporary hearing loss until equilibrium is restored.
- Swimmer’s Ear
Prolonged exposure to water can create a moist environment in the ear canal, facilitating bacterial growth and leading to inflammation and pain. Swimmer’s ear, or otitis externa, is characterised by redness, swelling, and discomfort in the outer ear, often accompanied by itching or drainage.
- Temporomandibular Disorders
Issues with the jaw joint, known as TMJ disorders, can radiate pain to the ears, often accompanied by jaw clicking, difficulty chewing, and headaches. Misalignment of the jaw, teeth grinding, or clenching can contribute to TMJ disorders, causing discomfort in the ears and surrounding areas.
- Tonsillitis
Inflammation of the tonsils can cause referred pain to the ears, especially during swallowing, along with sore throat, fever, and swollen glands in the neck. Tonsillitis, often caused by bacterial or viral infections, can lead to ear pain and discomfort as the inflamed tonsils affect nearby structures.
How Ear Microsuction Helps in Treating Ear Problems?
Ear microsuction is a gentle and effective method for removing excess earwax and reducing associated discomfort. This procedure involves using a microscope and a suction device to safely remove wax without causing harm to the ear canal. It offers a precise and controlled approach, making it suitable for patients of all ages, including those with sensitive ears or previous ear surgeries.
Book an Appointment for Ear Microsuction at Village Pharmacy
It’s important to pay attention to ear pain because it could signal an underlying issue that needs attention. Whether it’s a simple ear infection or a more serious problem, seeking treatment promptly can help relieve discomfort and prevent complications.
So, book an appointment with us to seek professional help for earwax removal through ear microsuction if you experience ear pain, whether it’s a dull ache or a sharp, intense sensation.