Hayshine Pharmacy

Blood Testing

Providing comprehensive blood testing with our partners at London Medical Laboratory

Take Control of Your Health With a Blood Test

Our dedicated state-of-the-art laboratory offers the latest in pathology testing solutions across many disciplines including biochemistry, haematology, sexual health screening and molecular biology.

Fertility Testing

General Health

Hormones Testing

Men's Health & Wellbeing

Your Sexual Health

Sports Fitness & Training

Our blood tests
Minimum Effort for Maximum Results

Whether you have noticed changes in how you feel or are just curious about what’s happening inside your body, we have the test for you.

With our easy finger-prick blood tests, you can investigate key areas of your health that directly impact your wellbeing including diabetes, vitamin D, thyroid function and cholesterol levels.

You can even take a deep-dive with our fatigue, well man & well woman profiles — giving you a detailed snapshot of your overall health with a blood draw.

Our Services
Your Health. Your Choice.

Your health is personal, so you should decide how you take your blood test. Unlike other blood testing providers, we don’t restrict you to either online only or in-store only testing.

We make the process simple from start to finish, with in-store, postal, courier or at-home testing options. This way, you can take the test you need the way you want it – without the weeks’ long appointment wait time.

We also manage the entire process from start to finish—from producing the tests to processing and summarising your results on-site. Delivering your results quickly and affordable.

Blood Testing Services

Our Partners Laboratory

We’re not your ordinary blood test provider.

There are other blood test providers around, but not many that process your sample on-site. Some use externally sourced testing kits to collect your sample and process these at off-site laboratories. This isn’t us. We have invested heavily in our own CQC regulated laboratory near Battersea Park, fitted with state-of-the-art haematology and pathology testing equipment. As a result, we not only produce our own testing kits, our team of biomedical scientists process your sample as soon as we receive it. 

This way, you not only receive your results quickly, but we can give you direct insight into your health at an affordable price. Once your results are produced, they are sent to our team of in-house GP’s to give you their expert analysis.

thyroid test

Thyroid Diagnosis & Monitoring


Thyroid Diagnosis & Monitoring

This profile checks the function of your thyroid gland. Thyroid disorders are common but often remain undiagnosed. It will give you a good indication as to whether your thyroid is functioning normally or not by checking your levels of Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) and Free T4 (FT4).

These tests are mainly used to see whether or not you have an underactive thyroid gland (Hypothyroidism) or an overactive one (Hyperthyroidism) which can lead to tiredness, mood problems and weight issues.

general health test

General Health Profile Complete Test


General Health Profile Test

This home test provides you with a comprehensive check-up of your general health including diabetes (HbA1c), your liver & kidney function, bone health, iron levels and a full cholesterol profile. This profile helps you to proactively manage your health and identify/ monitor many underlying or pre-existing conditions. 

general health test

Premier Health Profile Complete Test


Premier Health Profile Test

This profile is a comprehensive check of your liver & kidney function, your muscle & bone health, gout, iron levels, diabetes (HbA1c), your full cholesterol profile and full blood count.

This detailed profile provides an excellent baseline health check. It helps you proactively manage your health and identify/ monitor many underlying or pre-existing conditions throughout your body.

iron test

Iron Status Profile Test


Iron Status Profile Test

Iron is an essential component of the body which makes up red blood cells to transport oxygen all around the body.

Low iron can cause anaemia, a common issue causing a list of problems starting with fatigue, weakness and coldness which can then progress to more serious conditions.

We also test for how well the body can absorb iron which may be reduced in conditions affecting the liver.

covid-19 test

C-19 Vaccine Immune Response Test


Covid-19 Vaccine and Immune response

One in 100 people do not produce antibodies against their vaccine and not developing antibodies against the virus has been linked to increased hospitalisation and serious illness. Recent research has shown that the early immune response in people who have been vaccinated for COVID-19 can predict the level of protection they will have to the virus over time and potentially your body’s efficacy to combat viral variants such as the delta variant currently responsible for majority of new Covid-19 cases in the UK. Some scientists have suggested that a test for antibody status may now become the norm when people are admitted to hospital with severe Covid-19.

general health test

Cholesterol Test


Cholesterol Test

This simple home test can indicate your risk of developing cardiovascular problems. High cholesterol levels can cause your arteries to become blocked- leading to coronary heart disease, heart attack or even a stroke. Finding out about high levels of cholesterol can help you to make the positive lifestyle and dietary changes needed to improve your chances of a long and healthy life. 

trust pilot

London Medical Laboratory is rated excellent on Trustpilot

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